Precision Strike – Achieve 25 DUAL PROTON TORPEDO kills with Iden Versio’s TIE/LN Fighter.Rapid Assault – Used Iden Versio’s TIE/LN fighter AFTERBURNER ability 25 times.Engine Upgrade – Increases the top speed and how quickly the starfighter can accelerate and decelerate.Elite Pilot – Increases the turn rate of the starfighter.Repair Systems – Reduces the delay before health regeneration begins.Advanced Capacitors – Improves the primary weapons resistance to overheating.Tuned Lasers – Increases primary weapon damage.Reinforced Hull – Increases the total health of the starfighter.Flight Commander – Increases the duration of INFERNO LEADER.Vengeful Barrage – Increases the damage of LASER BARRAGE.Advanced Torpedoes – Increases DUAL PROTON TORPEDO damage.Engine Heat Dissipator – Decreases the AFTERBURNER cooldown.These enemies receive increased damage from all sources

Inferno Leader - For the duration of INFERNO LEADER, all enemies within a radius are revealed to allied players.Dual Proton Torpedoes – Fires two proton torpedoes which track the locked target and deal high damage.Laser Barrage – Charges up a rapid fire barrage which deals high damage.The AFTERBURNER can be cancelled after a short time Afterburner – Gives the starfighter a temporary speed boost and breaks enemy missile lock.Custom-built for Inferno Squad, this modified TIE has seen heroic service in the name of the Emperor. Iden Versio's TIE/In fighter Now available as a new Hero Starfighter in multiplayer matches! Iden Versio leads by example from her personal TIE/ln fighter. Star Wars Battlefront 2 update 1.1 patch notesīlast on Crait New Crait map added to the Blast Game Mode! Battle in the mines among the machinery and crystals leftover from the previous occupants. Find out how you unlock heroes and check out the latest patch notes. There's also new Star Wars Battlefront 2 star cards and tons of Hero tweaks.